TN Government School Makes 8000 Seedballs

As a next-generation social reformer, the TN government school at Othakadai has started its mission to save the planet by planting trees. Othakadai is one of the villages in the Tamil Nadu district, which is famous for its Halwa and Murukku. Still, recently the Government school children of this area are making an incredible improvement in planting seeds using clay seed balls.

It is a motivational event organized by HCL by joining hands with the school's Dhanam social work committee, where the students are encouraged to make and sow seed balls. Recently, NGOs and social awareness-spreading troops have increasingly promoted seed balls in many parts of the world. The main motto of clay bombs promotion is to build up the forest or plantation in their surroundings.

With the guidance and encouragement of their teachers and principals provided, school children did a fantastic job of creating 8000 seed balls. With the advice and encouragement their teachers and principals provided, school children did a great job of creating 8000 seed balls. Not only that, there are only 100 seed balls left for the day. This is something much honored and an iconic change made by those tiny hands.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the historic movements made by school children to increase the plantation in their area/village. The effort taken by the teachers to extend their support in making their students listen to the seed ball preparation segment and make them create seed balls on their own is a fantastic effort. As responsible citizens of this world, we should take an oath to plant more trees instead of supporting the deforestation act.

Making seed balls is a simple process that can be made using soil, clay, seeds, and water. One should invest their time and social concern thinking to make beautiful seed balls that can be turned into useful trees in the future. Start approaching an NGO or other activists who have advertised or making a change, utilize seed balls, and join hands with them to create a positive difference on our planet.

Image Courtesy : The Hindu